Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CTP, Rape & Sexism

-----Original Message-----
From: DPS Communication Center <dps.office@GALLAUDET.EDU>
Subject: [ALERT] Crime Alert
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:44:19 -0400

On 09/22/10 DPS responded to a dorm for a sexual assault allegation where the parties knew each other.

DPS is working closely with MPD, Student Affairs and the Office of Student Conduct to take measures to ensure the campus’ safety.

Students are encouraged to use caution when attending parties or events where alcohol is consumed.

If you choose to drink, be responsible.  Alcohol clouds decision making and increases confidence, a combination that often leads to risky situations.

Additionally the community is encouraged to pay attention to their surroundings and report any suspicious activity to the department of public safety.

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Monday, September 27, 2010


This story I will talk about this lonely girl, how she has a way of expressing her feelings into positive way, the meaning aging at young age, and narrator’s tone of this story.

This girl was obviously from somewhere where it was not pretty, for some reason, I felt like she was abused before that cause her to isolate herself from people. She was a loner, she wouldn’t talk at some period of time, and she has way of showing her anger. The positive way of expressing her feelings was to dance, that help her feel ease with her anger.

The meaning of aging but at the same age, like for example, a 12 years old act like 18 years old, base on his/her experience growing up. Many children act older than their age because they were abuses, they had to worry about their safety and about their other sibling or else. A child should never worry about that at such a young age. I can relate a little in this story because my sister was only 7 years old when she act like a 20 years old, she was taking care of me when I was 4 years old. We had to worry about the demon (men), find a way to run away from violence, get money together to buy food, a place to stay and such.

Narrator is a mother of adopted child, her tone in this story seems not too positive, like she doesn’t care, that sound too strong. More like she expect this kind of thing. Like for example, a adopted little girl killed a cat, the mother reacted different like she’s not really desapline her to tell her its wrong to do that, I would have reacted different and tell them what was wrong and tell them its not okay. Later in the story, the natorator's tone seems to change afterward, I can tell she started to lose up and seems so proud for what she was doing. She can tell that little girl has grown up as her eyes started to sparkles, that was the moment when she was finally free from her past.

My thoughts about this story is quite interesting, there is many ways that kids who is angry about their past, family, and/or friends. It makes me sad knowing that other people who’s angry kills people, leave school, not being successful, or end up in jail. That kind of behavior is not an answer. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Two different dreams

After I read the poem called A House of my own and Saturday at Canal, I actually felt like I was in there because how they explain their feelings, I can relate to them. This poems shows how a female who wanted to have a peace and quiet place of her own and two teens who seems lived same routine everyday without having the dream of being a real American teenagers and they wanted to get out of town feelings was expressed into poem. 
A House of my own explains about a female, who seems to be a very independent, I can also feel that a guy has abused her for a long time. I believed she does not like when men has a power to be the man of the house because of her history
Now she’s someone who seems very happy to have the things of her own without argument or worries. She has some peace that she wanted where she can start feeling inspiring to start writing poem.
Saturday at Canal, I loved how this poem takes the reader into the boredom of addolesonce without losing their interest. At age 17 or any teen years is suppose to be a fun and memorable memories to look back and tell your future kids how fun your life used to be, many teens tends to go through all kind of phrases. This poem shows two teen boys who are not happy where they are.  Those teens are bored with their daily routine life; nothing excited or has nothing to look forward to the next dat. They dreamed to go to a better place. “Our eyes followed the water, white-tipped but dark underneath, racing out of town” it means their true selves remain dark who wanted to get out to enjoy life as a teenager.
I can relate a little bit to each poem, I’m a female who loves the idea of having a house of my own, have some peace for myself. I’m very independent who do not like to be ordered or have any man or daddies to get in charged of the house. When I was younger, I thought I was going to go crazy with same routine every single day; I don’t like the idea of not knowing what I’m doing next like I have no goals. I was ready to get out to discovered about myself, live to the fullest, and life is too short to not be wild

Monday, September 13, 2010

Freedom of Languages.

Three Stories that Susan Stocker wrote was about three different people from different experience base on their deafness or about their family member who's deaf. Pride, low self- esteem, and a father who loves his child but has no communication whatsoever with his son has effect the way they think of themselves and deafness. A girl who has not discovered the identity of herself from the article “Learning my Native Language”, A grown child who witness a lonely father who does not communicate with his child “The Hands of my Father” and a girl who has so much pride with her deafness in “Recollections”.

Learning my Native Language” has taught me that not everyone are not comfortable with their beliefs, religions, appearance, race, background, deafness, blindness, you name it. From the class discussion, I learned that we cannot punish people who feels that way. First of all, they're not being expose to it. We have not educate those people. We, American focus so much about being perfect and expect everyone in every country on this planet to fit in our culture, learn to write and speak our language. Why can't we value every language that human can possibility have on this planet? This article has taught me that not everyone has identified themselves and we cannot say it's a bad thing. My opinion about this article is that I wish this character has a positive attitude and perhaps that will change how she perspective her identity. My question is that, if the ASL teacher at Gallaudet University has a better attitude dealing with Deaf and so-called-hearing/hard-of-hearing, would that change the character to enlighten her protective of “Deaf World? We cannot blame them for not fitting in our “world”, again, we have to educate people.

The Hands of my Father”, The father seems to be lonely because I don’t think he know how to communicate with his son, he wants to tell his son so many things but since he couldn’t, his son seems to believe he know what he was saying by using nature. I honestly think this is a beautiful article. This article makes me realized that we do not need to say the things we need to say. Like for example, the grown child and a father does not communicate but they both knew that they share love for one another. People out there thinks that sign language is a beautiful language and I agree. However, I think silences is beautiful as well.

Recollections”, this article kind of remind about me. My mama didn't like the idea of sending me to school far away from home so she put me in mainstream, it didn't go well. I used to come home and beg my mama to send me to different school. She later realized that I was being picked on by student who didn't understand my language and I could not understand anyone all day, I felt isolated. She noticed I wasn't happy so she wanted me to be around kids like me who could understand me and speaks my language. She later decided to put me to Kentucky School for the Deaf, she noticed I would come home on Friday with a smile on my face. She knew she was doing something right, however, she felt bad that I still feel isolated when we get together with family so she start teaching me how to speak and practice to may it right (it was never right, we had a country accent with a little bit of slang). I struggle for so long, I told my mama I don't see why I should speak all the time for them, if they wanted to communicate with me. They need to access my language as well, she knew I was right. I started to speak, some of my family started to sign a little bit and I started to write if they could not understand me. I understand where this girl was coming from where she has so much pride in her deafness because she was exposed to that from her family.

People are so different everywhere on this planet, their experience create their identity, becomes who they are in the future. No such a thing being exact the same with another human being. those three stories has taught me that, it taught me that people has their own language and they may be okay with it or not. But it's NOT okay for us to tell them what is right or wrong. It's a perfect world with various of language. Every language should be valuable. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Leave Home "The First Day" (7-19)

            In this story, I can tell a little girl's mother wanted the best for her daughter. The little girl did not realized that her mother cannot read and write. The story makes me question if many parent has not been expose to read and/or write? How can a child have a better education without the parent's education experience or support from their experience? It makes me wonder what will this little girl do after she realized her mother cannot read and write? Does it motivated her to do better? I believe the significance of the title is to realize the begining of everything at age of five years old. The specific words or phrases used to describe characters is lost, the mother was not exposed to read and write and the little girl were obviously not exposed from her mother.