Thursday, October 21, 2010

"The Circuit"

I really enjoyed the stories in The Circuit I really like it because you can picture what's going on and can understand how the author felt at that moment base on my experience as well. This book shows the life of the author, Francisco Jimenez. Francisco's family crossed the border from Mexico into California for a better life. They became migrant farm workers, and in each chapter we see the family in a different place, doing a different type of farm work. Francisco struggles in school, as he never stays in one place long enough to really "settle in" "The Circuit", could stand alone as a short story I am so impressed with the spare language and the emotions Jimenez shares in his story. Francisco Jimenez is a young boy who lives with his family in a small pueblito in Mexico called El Rancho Blanco. The family dreams about living in a place where Papa will earn good money and they can live in a house with electricity and running water. Papa decides that his family will cross La Frontera, the border between Mexico and California, so the family can have a better life. The family finds the journey to California difficult. California is not what the family imagined. The family works all day in the strawberry fields. When strawberries are out of season, they must move and find work in cottons fields. In between work, Francisco Jimenez finds time to start being comfortable at school with the teacher that works with him alone during lunch time. The teacher told him he will teach him how to learn to play corridors, he was quite excited so he wanted to tell his parent the great news about that, as soon as he got home, he noticed boxes was neatly packed up. He knew he's moving again, corridors does not matter anymore. They will never stay where they can settle for awhile. I can understand how he feel expect that I am not immigrant. I moved places to places and it's hard to make friends and lose friends so at the end when we start moving, I felt like there's no point of trying to make friends or do anything that I want to do for my life. Whatever I do, I put it on hold. It was not easy to move places to places. Knowing that I’m not alone in this, he's not alone too. Thing will only get better when he becomes older and stay in school.  

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