Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bad Influence

Video coming up soon. . .

Rita, who's the narrator and a charterer of this story. She is almost fifteen-year-old girl with bad attitude. When she and her best friend Meli lie to their parents about staying over their house like they always so but one day, one of Rita's family member had to go to hospital and they were trying to get a hold of Rita and she and her best friend had been caught attempting to sleep overnight with their boyfriends. Although nothing happened between the two girls and their boyfriends that night, their parents still believe the boys to be a "bad influence" on them. In order to keep her away from her boyfriend Rita's parents give her a choice of punishments. She can either spend the summer with her grandparents in Puerto Rico or she can go on a convent retreat for Catholic girls. Rita chooses to go to Puerto Rico so she can continue to go to her original school, however she really wishes she could stay in her hometown of Paterson, New Jersey. Normally, Rita sees her grandparents once a year for two weeks and spends most of her time in Puerto Rico on the beach with her cousins. This time, however, none of her cousins are on vacation at the same time. This time she will be alone with her grandparents When Rita arrives, she was not excited at all and when she got out of the plane in hot and humid Puerto Rico, she is greeted embarrassing, annoyingly gregarious and overwhelming by her relative and their friends; when she tries to calm herself in the car by practicing deep breathing, her grandmother assumes she's having an asthma attack and harangues her with asthma stories. As days went by, she would pretend to be sick in order to avoid her odd grandparents. As weeks go by, she finally figure what her grandparents do for living, if she didn't make the choice to go to Purto Rico, She would not know her grandparents 100%. Rita's grandfather helps people with cleaning out the house and getting rid of evil spirit. This girl she met, her name is Angela, without her, I think she would practialy beg her mother to take her back home or else. However, it did not end that way, she laughed because it was one of her best summer yet. I was surprised by the end of the story because I thought she would learn from her family and grow into a mature young lady, perhaps, it's probably the teens attitude to show off like that. I hope next time when she take the bad influence, I hope she cry on her knee and make her wake up before she continue this poor behavior.

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