Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dawn by Tim Wynne-Jones

In the Dawn short story, wrote by Tim Wayne-Jones. I want to be honest with you. I think this story is short and different, but I really do not know what to say on my blog. There is nothing related to my experience. I think the point in this story is to get us to understand that once two people meet awkwardly but they later comfort each other, and they would want to see each other again for a obvious reason.
Barnsey went through the crisis of his parents’ divorce. I cant really say I understand how he feels because I went through where I didn't have a parent role. It was always men that take over the life of my mother. I never met my father so what does divorced means? I can't answer me. I guess I went through different experience than Barnsey. In my opinion, I think people divorces for good reason, or some stupid reasons. It depends on individuals. It is up to them whether to work it out as long love is there. If a person does not want to, then it probably would not work anymore.
As for Barnsey’s situation, his parents could have spoken with him before they decided to divorce. I do not mean they have to stay or divorce based on his son’s decision, what I meant is that, they could have sat down and spoke with him to why they were divorcing. The parent should have at least some explanation about it because most common for children to blame themselves for their parent's divorced.
I noticed lot of kids tend to think it were their fault for making their parents divorce. It made me wondering why people decided to marry each other if they were unsure if they would stay together for another thirty to fifty years. They obviously fell in love and wants to marry for a purpose, why did their love have to change throughout their marriage. I think they should think twice before marrying. After all, there are consequences for divorce couples. The consequences are to spend lot of money for lawyer, child custody, and that can lead into an ugly situation where your children should not be involved in but they will sooner or later.

I've noticed that there are many divorce couples in America society now than in the past. I wondered why people divorces more than in the past. I believe it changed now because woman start to speaking up for themselves before, we're in the world where we felt like we should compete against “men” or have equal to them.
Overall, for this short story, I just did not have any connection to this story. Makes me realized that children grow from their experience. I’m a girl who has no parent role in her life and a girl who had to start acting older at age of 10. Some kids will never realized how much they appreciate life unless they experience something. Children of divorced parent seems to react by doing drugs, giving attitude, being angry, or else. All they do is blame themselves and hope for their parent to reunited and work it out. If I ever get marry, I will make sure we really want to be together and work it out with every situation we have. If it didn't work out I will make sure I handle it differently.

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