Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Little Saigon

I thought it was kind of interesting how this story turned out to be a poem, I I’m not much of a poet myself but I clearly understand the meaning of this story. This story talks about different parts of life, How the story went was like broken up into poems. Departure talks about how one girl is trying to escape from the world that she lives in. I guess she trying to see where it will go. When she closes her eyes she is in her own world, a world where she can be herself and not have to worry about someone judging her.

It like she has no one who be there to comfort her with emotional support, no one there to tell her that everything will be okay. So she feels that she needs to do for herself. The lesson from Departure is that you will always be by yourself no matter where you go. There is nothing wrong with being alone as long as you know you will make it out okay. No one can tell you otherwise. But having a friend and family support will help you mentally and emotionally.

The poem adrift is similar to all freshmen right now because it is there first time being away from home. So they will of course get homesick, and feel like they do not want to be where ever they are. Being away from home teaches you to be independent, and learn how to handle situations on your own without having to get into any confrontations. Most freshmen are scared to be away from home because they do not know what to expect when they first arrive on the campus. First year, freshmen tend to start doing things that they would not normally do when they were at home. 

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